Luta Gear was created by Eddie Yang and Neal Bernardino to offer the grappling sport unique and innovative products to both protect its patrons and advance the sport.
Luta Gear was formed in 2013 after an accident involving both founders during a sparring session. Eddie’s ring finger was injured and his mending period involved “buddy taping” his fingers together for the duration of his recovery. Tired of taping his fingers together he created a device that Neal labeled “finger sleeves”. After many requests from other grapplers a discussion about forming a company to manufacture and develop the sleeves took place and Luta Gear was born. Testing of what was to be known as GRIPP TāP began in 2013 and after many versions, materials, and stitch patterns the final design was created.
After receiving several requests for Luta Gear’s athletic wear, exclusively made for our fighters, Luta Gear is now proud to offer the same fight wear and apparel worn by our sponsored fighters.